What does it mean to grow in your relationship with God?
"Christianity is not a set of rules and regulations.
It is a relationship and a fellowship
with the living Christ."
Grow it.
"Christianity is not a set of rules and regulations.
It is a relationship and a fellowship
with the living Christ."
Grow it.
I am in the process of completing my doctoral dissertation for a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree from Corban University. My anticipated date of graduation is May 2, 2024 in Salem, Oregon.
The title of my dissertation is
"A Project to Explore the Correlation Between Specific Practiced Spiritual Disciplines and Progress Toward Spiritual Formation Among Members of Forest Ranch Baptist Church" I plan to make a professional presentation at Shasta Bible College in April '24.
I founded the Joshua Institute in 1994 as a vehicle for training laymen and leaders to be active in the public policy arena. Over the years the mission has evolved so that today the primary emphasis is on Christian spiritual formation. In the coming months the plan is to relaunch the ministry to reflect this emphasis. The hope is that articles, books, and various curricula in addition to workshops and seminars can be developed to enable ordinary believers to grow in their faith in Christ.
As can be seen by the title of my dissertation, spiritual disciplines are understood to occupy a significant role in spiritual development. My study group practiced the spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting for 90 days. We fasted one day per week for three meals. We engaged in purposeful, planned prayer for at least 15 minutes per day (all participants reported that their prayer time lasted considerably longer). We engage with one another every week to share experiences, be encouraged, and to pray for one another. At the beginning of our project all participants completed a spiritual formation assessment and likewise at the end. In every case the assessment at the end showed significant growth in spiritual formation.
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